Individual sessions
Everyone who wants to grow in their career and personal fields

Top management and CEOs


Business owners

For whom:

Examples of query topics:
Developing self-confidence

Achieving goals in personal and professional life

Career growth


Work-Life Balance

Finding your true desires and goals

Problem solving in a variety of areas

Developing a detailed and workable plan to achieve professional and personal goals

Finding new opportunities for growth and development

Creating an internal working motivation

Jointly monitoring and changing the strategy to achieve the goal

Achieving the desired goals

Live meetings in Zurich by appointment
Individual work can be conducted in a single session or as a series of several sessions over a jointly agreed period of time
Guaranteed confidentiality:
Everything discussed in the session is strictly confidential. Testimonials and personal data can be published only with the consent of the client.
Package of 8
individual sessions
1 hour
4 one-hour sessions
8 one-hour sessions
Before we start, we will always have a 30 minutes session to get to know each other - free of charge of course.
Package of 4
individual sessions
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