Albina Koch
Executive & Team Coach
Passionate about people. Love to find the greatness in others when they can't see it themselves and help them to unleash their highest potential.
Certified Executive Coach (PCC ICF) of top-managers in Switzerland, Europe and UAE
Corporate trainer and mentor in areas: life balance, stress management & resilience, leadership & team management, emotional intelligence, goal setting & realization, effective planning & time management, networking
President elect of ICF Switzerland
Trainer at Erickson Coaching International
Founder of the Academy "Life Management"
International speaker
Degree in Economics and Psychology
Degree in Industrial Engineering
Mother of 4 kids
Triathlete, wife of an IRONMAN

She has a successful career experience in the largest international companies in Switzerland since 2009 in various positions in procurement, project management, consulting and management
Professional certified coach PCC ICF
Executive coach of top-managers in Switzerland, Europe and UAE
International mentor and business coach in areas: life balance, stress management & resilience, leadership & team management, emotional intelligence, goal setting & realization, effective planning & time management, networking
Leader of Zurich Community ICF Switzerland
Trainer at Erickson Coaching International
Founder of the Academy "Life Management"
International speaker
Mother of 4x
Triathlet, wife of an IRONMAN

She has a successful career experience in the largest international companies in Switzerland since 2009 in various positions in procurement, project management, consulting and management
Current Clients: Senior Leaders and Executives of
For whom: for everyone who wants to grow in their career and personal fields

Format: online & live
Our services
Coaching and mentoring
Consulting, trainings, executive and team coaching, moderation
For whom: for company teams and managers of different levels

Format: online & live
For whom: for companies and their teams, communities, forums and conferences

Format: online & live
Female Executive Mastermind
For whom: Ideal for accomplished female leaders and managers eager to break through personal plateaus and soar to new heights of professional development

Format: online
Coaching packages
Mastering your mind to be an impactful leader
for young professionals, graduates and PhD students
Going beyond your current potential
Coaching packages
for managers and executives
I can not influence the length of my life, but I can make it deeper and wider.
Do you have any questions?
Please contact us, we will be glad to support you!
© 2023 Albina Koch, Switzerland
Any copying and reproduction of site materials, including partial and in any form, without the written permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.