Transform your Organization with
Elevate your organization's performance and cultivate a high-performance culture with our innovative Corporate Life System Program.

Tailored for both Young Professionals and Senior Management, our program uniquely combines personal development, resilience building, strategic goal-setting, leadership and wellbeing to drive success in today's demanding corporate landscape.
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Why does your organization need this program?
Corporate stress and burnout are on the rise, leading to decreased productivity, higher attrition rates, and lower employee engagement.

Conventional corporate programs often overlook the crucial aspect of individual growth, failing to address the root causes of burnout and decreased performance.
Our program is designed as an antidote to burnout and decreased productivity.

By shifting the focus from mundane tasks to individual purpose and self-management, we empower employees to thrive holistically.

We assist individuals in cultivating inner motivation and enhancing their overall life satisfaction. This, in turn, contributes to elevated energy levels, heightened productivity, and ultimately, a positive impact on increased organizational performance.
Program Format and Duration
The program spans over 10-12 weeks and is designed to fit seamlessly into your team's schedule.
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Tailor the program to your organization's specific needs and challenges, such as career transitions, communication, conflict management, wellbeing and others. Adapt modules for different levels of management and a wide range of teams.
Dive deeper into personal and team development points crucial for your success
Individual coaching:
Group discussions to connect with peers, exchange learnings, deepen practice, and get mentoring by a certified coach
10-15mins lessons:
Monthly Mastermind SESSIONS:
Time: as agreed
Time: 2h/month
Listen at your own time, focusing on the essentials
Get all your questions answered and points clarified to get the most out of the program
Monthly Q&A sessions:
Time: 1h/weekly
Time: 1h/month
Elements of the program
Программа школы жизненного баланса
„Life in Balance"
Program overview
• Learn about the mistakes and dangers of the common perception of life balance
• Understand what true life balance is
• Create own version of a balanced life to live a vibrant and happy life, combining all desired life spheres

Senior Management:
• Analyze the impact of work-life balance on leadership effectiveness
• Develop strategies for maintaining equilibrium in a demanding corporate environment

Young Professionals:
• Understand the importance of work-life balance in career development
• Learn practical techniques for achieving balance early in your corporate journey
Meet your trainer
Albina Koch
Certified Executive Coach with extensive experience working with leaders in prestigious international organizations. Specializing in corporate training and international mentoring, Albina brings a wealth of expertise in leadership, work-life balance, resilience, emotional intelligence, goal achievement, and strategic planning
Professional Areas:
Corporate Trainer in major global companies
Coaching Facilitator at Erickson Coaching International Institute
President Elect of ICF Switzerland (ICF - International Coaching Federation)
International Speaker
Business Owner
Education & Certifications:
Cert. Executive & Team Coach (PCC ICF), Corporate Trainer
Cert. Erickson Trainer, Cert. HOGAN Personality Assessor
Master in Management & Industrial Engineering
CAS Business Psychologist, CAS Leadership & Management
Business Experience:
Management and specialist functions in manufacturing industries and consulting
German, English, Russian
Current Clients: Senior Leaders and Executives of
Our Strengths
Years of practical experience working with individuals and corporations across various industries
Get to know more
A program that blends personal and professional development holistically
A team of international professionals dedicated to your success
Программа школы жизненного баланса
„Life in Balance"
Experience improved employee wellbeing, increased engagement, enhanced team dynamics, lower attrition rates, and a boost in organizational performance
Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation and kickstart your organization's journey towards a thriving, high-performance workplace
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